Our mission is to create and restore relationships with Jesus Christ through hunting and the outdoors.” We have expanded our platform of influence to a national level through our guided hunts for physically challenged men, men, and youths who do not have a father figure in their lives, or someone to take them hunting. We have also assisted other ministries and organizations in creating and maintaining their own hunting and outdoor ministry.

The national speaking ministry has also allowed the message and mission of Huntin’ the Truth Ministries to expand across the United States. Founders of Huntin’ the Truth Ministries, James and Chad Hampton preach the gospel and teach people “how to hunt God” at events such as Wild Game Dinners, men’s and youth hunting camps, men’s ministry events, conferences, retreats, prayer breakfasts, and speaking at church services. 

Our mission is to create and restore relationships with Jesus Christ through hunting and the outdoors.”

A passion for God and hunting: these two passions have shaped the lives and ministries of Pastors Chad and James Hampton. Teaching men and women principles from their nationally recognized book “Secretes of the Hunt” on how to ‘hunt’ for God like they hunt for animals is at the center of the “Huntin the Truth Ministries” that was established in 2005. Chad and James travel across the United States and speak at seminars, wild game dinners, hunting camps, prayer breakfasts, youth, young adult, men’s ministry, and outdoor events, along with preaching in churches. 

“A passion for God and hunting: these two passions have shaped the lives and ministries of Pastors Chad and James Hampton.”

Being identical twins, Chad and James use a unique tag-team approach with a practical, engaging, and humorous presentation style that ministers to hunters and non-hungers alike and teaches the principles they have learned while hunting God and His plan for their lives, and the animals they harvest.


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